Export wizard

This wizard help you export resources from the Workbench.

When the command link Export wizard first comes up, you must choose what type of export to do. To assist in locating a particular wizard, the text field can be used to show only the wizards that match the entered text.

Export selection page

Ant Buildfiles

Generates Ant buildfiles based on the configuration of the Java projects.

 ant buildfile export


Export - Ant Buildfiles Options




Select the projects to use to generate the buildfiles

The project (and resources within that project) to use to generate the buildfiles. 

Java projects selected.

Select All

Check all resources for export.


Deselect All

Uncheck all resources.


Check projects for Ant compatibility

Check if the source directories of the projects have cycles or if there are dependencies between them that do not conform with the classpath order and therefore functional Ant buildfiles cannot be created.


Create target to compile project using Eclipse compiler

Add an Ant target to the buildfile that will compile the project using the Eclipse compiler.


Name for Ant buildfile

The name to use for the generated Ant buildfile.


JUnit output directory

The name of the directory where the generated JUnit reports are placed after the build.


Archive File

Choose this option to export files to an archive file.

 ZIP file export


Export - Archive File Options




Select resources to export

The project (and resources within that project) to export to an archive. 

The project holding the selected resource

Select Types...

Dialog to select which file types to export.  Use this to restrict the export to only certain file types.


Select All

Check off all resources for export.


Deselect All

Uncheck all resources.


Archive File The path and name of an archive file into which the resources will be exported.  Type the path, select a previous path from the drop down list, or Browse to select a path and file name on the file system. The archive file of the previous export, or <blank>.
Zip file Export the file in zip format true
Tar file Export the file in tar format true
Compress the contents of the file Compresses the contents (resources selected to be exported) in the archive that is created. On
Overwrite existing file without warning If the specified archive already exists in the file system, you will be prompted to overwrite the file.  If you do not want to be prompted turn this option on. Off

Create directory structure for files

Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system as it exists in the Workbench.


Create only selected directories

Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system only for selected folders.


File System

If you choose this option, you will export files to the file system.

Export file system


Export - File System Options




Select resources to export

The project (and resources within that project) to export to the file system. 

The project holding the selected resource

Select Types...

Dialog to select which file types to export.  Use this to restrict the export to only certain file types.


Select All

Checks off all resources for export.


Deselect All

Uncheck all resources.


Directory The directory on the file system into which the resources will be exported.  Type the path, select a previous export path from the drop down list, or Browse to select a path. The directory of the last export, or <blank>
Overwrite existing files without warning Determines whether exporting a resource should silently overwrite a resource which already exists in the file system. If this option is off, you will be prompted before a given file is overwritten, in which case you can either overwrite the file, skip it, or cancel the export. Off

Create directory structure for files

Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system as it exists in the Workbench.


Create only selected directories

Create hierarchy (folder) structure in the file system only for selected folders.



Export preferences to the local file system.

 Preferences export wizard


Export - Preference Options




Export All

Export all of the preferences in this session.


Choose specific preferences to export

Select preferences from this session to export, like CVS repository preferences.


Select All

Select all of the available preferences.


Deselect All

Clear all of the available preferences.


To preference file

A file on the file system to store the preferences. Type the file, select a previous export file from the drop down list, or Browse to select a file.


Overwrite existing files without warning

Overwrite a pre-existing file.


Team Project Set

Exports a description of the repository and version control information for a set of projects. This allows you to synchronize those projects correctly in a different workspace.

Export team project set page


Export - Team Project Set Options




Select projects

The project(s) to export to the team project set file.

The selected projects

File name

The path and name of the file to export to.


Related pages
JAR Export Wizard
Export Javadoc Wizard