Importing resources from the file system
You can use the Import Wizard to
import resources from the local file system into an existing project.
- From the main menu bar, select
File > Import.... The Import wizard opens.
- Select General > File System and click Next.
- Click the Browse button on the next page of the wizard to select
the directories from which you would like to add the resources.
- In the import selection panes, use the following methods to select exactly
the resources you want to add:
- Expand the hierarchies in the left pane and select or clear the checkboxes
that represent the folders in the selected directory. Then in the right
pane, select or clear checkboxes for individual files.
- Click Filter Types to filter the current selection for files
of a specific type.
- Click Select All to select all resources in the directory,
then go through and deselect the ones that you do not want to add.
- Click Deselect All to deselect all resources in the directory,
then go through and choose individual resources to add.
- Specify the Workbench project or folder that will be the import destination.
- When you have finished specifying your import options, click Finish.
Tip: You can also import folders and files by dragging them from the
file system and dropping them into one of the navigation views, or by copying
and pasting.


Import wizard

Importing existing projects
Importing resources from a ZIP File