This action converts a data structure to a database record and deletes the corresponding record from a database table.
<Record> (non-repetitive trigger [required]): The record to be deleted.
Exits [none required]
<Deleted> (non-repetitive exit [not required]): The input data structure, in case the record has been deleted from the table.
<Not Found> (non-repetitive exit [not required]): The input data structure, in case the record has not been deleted (as it had not existed in the table in the first place).
Notice: The two exits represent two mutually exclusive possibilities: <Deleted> is activated only if the record has been deleted from the table; <Not Found> is activated only if it has not been deleted. You can use the action with just one of the exits (if there is only one case that is interesting) or with both exits. You can also use the action with none of them (if none of the exits exists, you can, but not have to, add a <Done> empty exit, which will be activated in both cases).
Usage Example "Common/Templates/Modules/Rich Table/Template/Table/Action Header Group/Delete/Delete from DB/Perform Action":