Get Selected Row - Get the table row selected by the user

This action returns the data of the row in a Table or a Simple Table which has been selected by the user.

Trigger [required]

<Table> (non-repetitive trigger): The data of the table (a data structure corresponding to the table's display element). You would typically get it through a reference to a Table or a Simple Table element, or to a higher level display element containing it.


<Selected Row> (non-repetitive exit): The data of the selected row (if a Simple Table, simply the data structure defining the content of its rows; if a Table, a data structure that corresponds to the display elements contained in each row).

<None Selected> (non-repetitive empty exit): Indication that no row has been selected by the user (you may choose to do nothing in this case or to display an warning message using Alert).

Notice: The two exits represent two mutually exclusive possibilities: The exit <Selected Row> is activated only if the user has selected a row; the empty exit <None Selected> is activated only if no row has been selected.