Compare - Compare two numbers
This action comapres two numbers to check whether they are equal,
and if not, which of the two is smaller and which is bigger.
If there is a need to compare more than two numbers,
use Equal.
Triggers [both required]
<X> and <Y> (non-repetitive numeric triggers [required]):
The two compared numbers.
Exits [none required]
The three exits represent three mutually exclusive possibilities:
<X<Y> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The
first number (the value of <X>)
in case it is smaller than <Y>.
<X=Y> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The
first number (the value of <X>)
in case it is equal to <Y>.
<X>Y> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The
first number (the value of <X>)
in case it is bigger than <Y>.
Usage Examples
Test1 (need to complete)