Grid - A two-dimensional display container

This display element is used to organize several display elements in a two-dimensional grid (a matrix with multiple rows and multiple columns).

Internal Modeling

Typically a Grid would contain several Row elements (and each column in the display will contain the corresponding elements from each of these rows).

Note that the rows may differ in the number of elements they contain (e.g. if the grid contains one row with 2 elements and another row with 3 elements, then the grid will contain 3 columns, but there will be no data in the 3rd column of the first row). If all rows have the same structure, use Table or Simple Table.

Access the rows and their sub-elements (to set their initial values or to retrieve the data that has been entered by the user) through a reference to the parent Grid element or to a higher level display element containing it.

As with any display element, you may also add an action sub-model named <On Click> to model what should be done if the user selects any component of the displayed data, but this is usually not needed.