Pane - A display container grouping several display elements

This display element groups other display elements as a single logical element.

Typically Pane elements are used to specify the display groups inside a Split PaneTabbed Pane, or Variable Pane.

The Pane element is also useful when we want to reuse a display outline (i.e. multiple display elements organized in a certain fashion) in different parts of the application.

The Pane element will always extend to include all elements within it. If you want to explicitly control the size of the pane, use the Scroll Pane template instead.

Internal Modeling

To define the contents of the Pane, add one or more display elements. Typical modeling makes use of other container elements such as Row, Grid, and Table, although any display element, except View, can be used. 

It is very common to add an action sub-model that initializes elements in the pane. Such an action would have no triggers (and thus be performed automatically when the pane is activated) and would contain a reference to the pane through which default values of fields are set.